Business SuccessBLOG

Upright Quoted in 2010 Advice Column published Upright’s advice!

Is your career a perpetual “countdown to blast-off”?  Well our friends at have the remedy.  Their website functions essentially as an advice column for job seekers, personal branding enthusiasts, and career developers.  Why is this site vital?  Because the job recruitment process has changed so radically over the past 5 years.  And unless you work in HR or have had 10 employers since 2005, you might not realize it.

Not currently looking for a job?  You must still pay attention to career activities in social media. Completing a LinkedIn profile today, for example, will put you on an HR professional’s radar from today onward.  And in our current economic times, that simple action could define whether you’re out of work for days…or months.

That’s my two cents, but has millions of ’em. published our advice in recommending Twitter to job seekers. It’s a great article, but only one of a thousand published on the topic.  So check out our mention and keep exploring, even if your current job is a slice of paradise.  There’s always room to grow.