Business SuccessBLOG

Organic vs. “Pay-Per-Click” Marketing

By now, most people recognize the 2 main types of search engine results:

1) organic listings (local or #1-10 down results page)
2) pay-per-click (PPC; paid ad results).

Not you?  No prob. Let’s compare…
Pay-per-click ads vs. organic search listings

Looks familiar, I bet!  This is widely accepted: 80% of visitors click an organic result; 20% click PPC results.  As a result, many small businesses have turned their back on PPC advertising.  This article here is very recent and unbiased, explaining the benefits of each. It’s worth a read.

Beyond the 80:20 dominance, site owners view organic success as more valuable.  Why?  Organic placement rewards keyword relevance, and relative belief that your site can provide a positive visit.  Good rankings deserve big ‘congrats’ for your SEO efforts!  But here are 5 benefits of PPC advertising, as we see it:

  • Guaranteed ranking, because you pay for success.  Here’s a video lesson from Google’s Chief Economist on PPC’s #1 program: Google AdWords.
  • For new sites, PPC campaigns jumpstart search traffic while organic placement ‘catches up’.
  • PPC can be tested continuously, providing insight into which solutions your site visitors are really searching for.
  • PPC helps you compete in highly competitive keywords.
  • Brand awareness, if you need people to see your company name.

Upright is always here with advice on balancing organic and PPC efforts.  Just ask!  PPC can be confusing, but we’re “mavericks” when it comes to testing.  And as always, we share our ideas in hopes of inspiring your best success.